Liquid Snow melter "SR BLACK"

Liquid Snow melter
Simple, safe and eco-friendly
liquid snow melting agent
Can be used with
any types of sprayers
What is "SR BLACK"?
Simple, safe and environmentally-friendly liquid snow melter.
Since it is in liquid form, our product can be easily sprayed evenly over a surface! Ordinary sprayers can be used as well. This product is optimal for huge golf courses and farmland.
No problems with root burn, or effects on the germination of lawns and crops!
Environmentally friendly
No environmental impact on soil, metal, concrete and similar materials! Carbon black (the same raw material as sumi ink) is used to absorb light and convert it to heat, melting the snow in a way that won’t hurt the environment.
(Note: Snow melting water may turn black, depending on the spraying concentration.)
Why use liquid?
Powder-based melting agents scatter into the atmosphere when sprayed. Also, the clumps produced by these agents need to be loosened, in order for the agent to be sprayed evenly. On the other hand, liquid snow melting agent can be sprayed at the concentration you desire, according to the quality and amount of snow. Further, our product can be easily and evenly sprayed, as it uses a sprayer.

The characteristics of "SR BLACK"
The main ingredient used is carbon black, the same as used in sumi ink.
A liquid snow melter that’s like no other.
Uses a black color that easily absorbs light. Excellent conversion efficiency into heat!
Works most effectively in sunny places!
Can be used safely and trouble-free on lawns and plants. Does not cause root burn problems or influence germination.
How to Use
Dilute "SR BLACK" in a suitable concentration with water. After mixing well, spray on a snow-covered surface.
When the sun is out, the snow melting effect can be seen.
Disperses ultra-fine particles, which can be used with general-purpose sprayers.
Note 1: The concentration and amount of product to be sprayed can be adjusted, based on the amount of snow and climate conditions.
Note 2: If the amount of product sprayed is the same, a higher concentration will melt more snow, but the melted snow may become black.
Note 3: SR BLACK can be used with a drone for spraying pesticides.
<Spraying by drone>
Experimental results show no harmful impact on plants* and glass.
* Bent grass and KOMATSUNA sprout
<Product information>
Main ingredient : Carbon black, Water
pH : 5.4~6.5

Size:W220mm×D95mm×H240mm / 3L

Bag-in-box Weight:19.7kg
Kozaki farm LLC (Onion farm) in Monbetsu city, Hokkaido
Condition: Temperature -5℃, 50cm of snow
17 days later

Yellow Application amount: Small dose
Orange Application amount: Recommended dose
Red Area which calcium carbonate sprayed

your time and money!
No driver and tractor required!
Easy to spray with
drone or sprayer
SR Black has nearly
as effective as
It saves you time 1/2 up to
1/3 conparing to spraying with tractor
<Spraying by drone>
ƔWith high concentration, snow melts faster but black color may remain on snow.
ƔAmount of snow and weather may affect the result.
ƔIf on skin, wash with water.
ƔIf in eyes, rinse cautiously with water and get medical advice/attention.
ƔSeal up and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
ƔIt may be frozen under -5℃ temperature.
ƔKeep away from children.
ƔBoth undiluted and diluted solution will not come off once it is on bulding or clothes.
ƔDo not drink.
How much should I dilute SR Black?
It depends on amount of snow and you'd like to use.
Thicker works better. 200x delution works for 10cm of snow under the sunlight.
In case of drone spraying, undiluted liquid would be recommended.
*Effects under sunlight conditions
Can the sprayer nozzle get clogged?
No. Contained carbon black is ultra-fine.
Is it possible to spray with a drone?
It can be sprayed by agricultual drone.
Please contact us for detailed spraying conditions.
Does it have any effect on plants or crops?
There is no negative effect on the soil unlike calcium chloride-based snow melting agents.
We have tested it at an external testing institute and confirmed that there are no problems (*).
*Not all plants and crops have been confirmed.
Could I melt the snow in the parking lot?
Please note that S.R Black could make a stain as it is black liquid.
We recommend that you test it in an inconspicuous place before using it.
How much area can 3L and 18L each cover?
3L (3x delution): Approximately 4500㎡
18L (3x delution): Approx. 27000㎡
Note: The sprayed area varies depending on the spraying method and environment. Please contact us for details.